HKU . wervingscampagne 2025 . abri's - sociale media - website - i.o.v. Felt creative agency
HKU . recruitment campaign 2025 . bus shelters - social media - website - commissioned by Felt creative agency
Forbo Flooring . cover book 'our world' . commissioned by dedato ontwerpers
HKU . Campagne werving nieuwe studenten i.o.v. FELT creative agency
playbill concertgebouw
Marieke steenhoek . soprano . posters, signboards, etc.
WHO . World Health Organization . campaign for World Blood Donor Day . commissioned by Total Design and Sanquin
Publicatie in Zin Magazine van mijn project Portretten 1990-2022 waarin ik 9 vrouwen rond 1990 heb gefotografeerd en in 2022 weer.
Publication in Zin Magazine of my project Portraits 1990-2022 in which I photographed 9 women around 1990 and again in 2022.
Publicatie in Zin Magazine van mijn project Portretten 1990-2022 waarin ik 9 vrouwen rond 1990 heb gefotografeerd en in 2022 weer..
Campagne in het kader van de participatiewet waar mensen met een beperking gekoppeld worden met werkgevers . in opdracht van Total Active Media
campaign for employers and employee organizations . commissioned by Total Active Media
FoodValley . commissioned by Total Active Media
SPIE annual magazine 2021-2022 . smart homes . SPIE is the European independent leader in multi-technical services in the energy and communications sectors . commissioned by DartGroup
Remy Jungerman . 'exhibition Behind the Forest' . posters, billboards, social media, print . commissioned by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Remy Jungerman . 'exhibition Behind the Forest' . commissioned by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam . posters, billboards, social media, print
ADE . Amsterdam Dance Event
Gusto MSC . magazine and website
Patricia Kaersenhout . article in daily newspaper 'Het Parool'
Patricia Kaersenhout . article in daily newspaper 'Het Parool' . front page and art and culture section
PON automotive
supplement magazine TIJD of Trouw newspaper
Magazine FD Persoonlijk . an appendix to the Financieele Dagblad . My litlle niece photographed over the years
supplement FD Persoonlijk . Financieele Dagblad . article about my project 'Masks and Artists'
Marieke steenhoek . soprano . posters signboards
Lexicon taal trainingen-Haarlem . portretten t.b.v website en sociale media
Bernard van leer foundation - Den Haag . portretten t.b.v. website en sociale media
Oerlemans Plastics-Genderen . portretten t.b.v. website en sociale media
shopping mall Palermo . selfie campaign for Multi - developer of high quality shopping centres across Europe . commissioned by Edenspiekermann_
shopping mall Lisbon . selfie campaign for Multi - developer of high quality shopping centres across Europe . commissioned by Edenspiekermann_
shopping mall Dublin . selfie campaign for Multi - developer of high quality shopping centres across Europe . commissioned by Edenspiekermann_
OCÉ . job advertisements . commissioned by total design
Forbo Flooring . ads brochures website etc . commissioned by dedato ontwerpers
Forbo Flooring . parking garage Hannover . commissioned by dedato ontwerpers
announcement interview with artist Folkert de Jong for VPRO television
announcement 'nooit meer slapen' with artist Folkert de Jong for VPRO radio
TinQwise e-learning . campaign for website . commissioned by flow design
50 'Roots' covers . 50 small booklets about Dutch graphic designers . commissioned by [Z]OO productions
Folkert de Jong . Exposition James Cohan Gallery - New York
Folkert de Jong . exposition Groninger Museum
exhibition Patricia Kaersenhout . commissioned by Frans Hals Museum
van Leeuwen Pipes and Tubes . use for website, truck cloth and a lot more . commissioned by Total Identity
Sanquin . become a blood donor . commissioned by Total Active Media
ROC van Amsterdam en Flevoland . new visual identity . commissioned by Flow Design
Amnesty International . Commissioned by SAZZA
Amnesty International . Location Schiphol . Commissioned by SAZZA
Movies that Matter . Commissioned by SAZZA
SDU uitgevers . dismantling and structuring . Commissioned by Bex* Communicatie en Studio Rienk Post
eyes for YER . since 2014 every week new job advertisements in the NRC newspaper . commissioned by Total Identity
G4S . social annual report . commissioned by Enchilada
this little book as an 'in memoriam' for designer Ben Bos
this little book as an 'in memoriam' for designer Ben Bos . Ben's last project . he formed the letters of the alphabet with his hands
this little book as an 'in memoriam' for designer Ben Bos . he formed the letters of the alphabet with his hands
HIVOS . small change big deal campagne . commissioned by sazza
HIVOS . Free to be me campagne . commissioned by sazza
HIVOS . hallo supermarkt - hoe moeilijk kan het zijn campagne . commissioned by sazza
Sportcentrum olympos . website brochures print etc . commissioned by flow design
Sanquin . campaign 'sinterklaas is looking for donors' . commissioned by SAZZA
fire brigade Weesp . Commissioned by Total Design