HKU . wervingscampagne 2025 . abri's - sociale media - website - i.o.v. Felt creative agency
HKU . recruitment campaign 2025 . bus shelters - social media - website - commissioned by Felt creative agency
jubileumboek 25 jaar ROC Amsterdam-Flevoland . i.o.v. FELT Creative Agency
anniversary book 25 years ROC Amsterdam-flevoland . commisioned by Felt creative Agency
XPERIT . website, sociale media, etc
Loyd Consulting . website, brochures, etc.
sanquin . patiëntenverhalen in opdracht van sanquin (bloedbank) voor hun website, sociale media etc, in samenwerking met
Sanquin . patient stories commissioned by sanquin (blood bank) for their website, social media, etc, in collaboration with
Tijdens de lockdown zag ik steeds meer mensen rennen. vanuit mijn huis heb ik honderden foto's gemaakt, waarvan er enkele zijn gepubliceerd in de zaterdageditie 'TIJD' van dagblad Trouw.
During the lockdown I saw more and more people running. I took hundreds of photos, some of which were published in the Saturday edition 'TIJD' by newspaper Trouw.
192 runners . During the lockdown I saw more and more people running. I took hundreds of photos, some of which were published in the Saturday edition 'TIJD' by newspaper Trouw.
Sanquin . campaign 'Sinterklaas is looking for donors' . commissioned by sazza
Verbeke foundation . museum - sculpture garden . Kemzeke Belgium
Sanquin . campaign 'thanks to your blood i can continue' . commissioned by SAZZA
Folkert de Jong . sculptor
Remy Jungerman . visual artist
SO Awards jury . commissioned by DuPho.
Leidseplein Amsterdam . Commissioned by PROJOB employment agency for website, social media, brochures, etc.
Museumplein Amsterdam . Commissioned by PROJOB employment agency for website, social media, brochures, etc.
gustav mahlerplein Amsterdam . Museumplein Amsterdam . Commissioned by PROJOB employment agency for website, social media, brochures, etc.
Beursplein Amsterdam . Museumplein Amsterdam . Commissioned by PROJOB employment agency for website, social media, brochures, etc.
HIVOS . Free to be me - LGBTI campaign . commissioned by SAZZA
Rijn IJssel College . campaign for new students . commissioned by Total Active Media
Bouwinvest . annual report . commissioned by C&F Report
Belle & Berend . private assignment
tom & luc . private assignment
procession . Alberobello Italy
Children of urk . commissioned by Waterboard Zuiderzeeland
ARN (Auto Recycling Nederland) . Annual report . commissioned by Total Design
ORMIT . sketches with photos . commissioned by Total Identity
Sanquin . portraits commissioned by blood bank Sanquin in collaboration with for social media, website, etc.
SAIL 2015 . view from my house . is it real or is it....?